Academics » Preschool


Christ the King School - Preschool

At Christ the King we understand the importance of education during a child’s early years. Our newly remodeled and decorated classrooms provide a warm, nurturing and fun to learn environment for our youngest students. Enrollment is limited to 16-20 students per class and children are placed by birthdate. Our small class sizes allow for our experienced teachers and aides to develop strong bonds with the children, fostering enthusiastic learning and self-confidence as they begin their educational journey.


The CK early education program provides developmentally appropriate experiences for the whole child; spiritually, cognitively, social-emotionally, physically. Our curriculum is aligned with Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards.

  • CATHOLIC TRADITION: Our faith based program includes morning prayers, monthly mass and bible stories that celebrate the Catholic faith and tradition.
  • LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: Our  literacy rich environment promotes skills in expressive and receptive language, phonetic awareness, reading, writing, vocabulary expansion and conversational skills.
  • PURPOSEFUL PLAY: When children are engaged in play they are actively developing their social skills, learning how to make choices while practicing and mastering concepts. Our carefully planned preschool environment provides experiences for children to  create, discover and explore daily in our art, science, math, dramatic play, building and library centers.
  • SPECIALS: Daily opportunities and extra experiences in the fields of music, art, library, gym, and technology are used to enhance the preschool curriculum and a chance to learn just like the Big Kids!
  • OUTDOOR PLAY: Our pre schoolers have their own private and enclosed playground along with an additional enclosed playlot which allows the children to experience healthy physical and gross motor play.
  • COMMUNITY HELPERS: We  invite our parents, grandparents and community helpers to join us to share their profession with our children. We love our guest readers, musicians, chefs, artists, Police and FireFighters!



  • 3 Half Days (T,W,TH from 8:15-12:00)
  • 5 Half Days (M-F from 8:15-12:00)
  • 3 Full Days (T,W,TH from 8:15-3:00)
  • 5 Full Days (M-F from 8:15-3:00)
  • 5 Half Days (M-F from 8:15-12:00)
  • 5 Full Days (M-F from 8:15-3:00)

    *Students must be 3 years old by September 1st and fully toilet trained.      

     *Before and After Care is available.